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Celebrity Beauty Trends with Ancient Chinese Origins
Traditional Chinese medicine has been around since the ancient times, over 2,500 years ago. Instead of fading away as history goes on, some of these traditional cosmetic techniques are becoming increasingly popular in recent years. The rising popularity of such...
The Acupressure Mat and the Quality of the Plastic Spikes
The acupressure mat is also known as a bed of nails or acupressure needle stimulation pad. They are foam mats with several short and sharp plastic needles. You can sit, stand barefoot, or lie on the mat for about 40...
Acupressure Mat
Acupuncture is an ancient oriental therapeutic method which stimulates the body with needles. It is believed that, when performed by an expert hand, this type of physical stimulation can have many positive effects on the body, with the purported benefits...
Bed of Nails – Bed of Nails acupressure mat
What is it and what to look for? Acupressure originates in China and has been used for thousands of years. It’s also a well-known fact that the bed of nails is mentioned in ancient Chinese texts which are supposed to...