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Article: The dimensions of wellness

The dimensions of wellness
Anti Aging

The dimensions of wellness

Wellness generally means to say a healthy balance of mind, spirit and body that gives an overall feeling of well-being. It is an active process of being aware and making the choice towards healthy and fulfilling life. It is more than being free from illness and is a dynamic process of growth and change.

Why is wellness important?

An optimal level of wellness is essential to live a good quality of life. It matters because everything we do and feel is related to our well-being. Our well-being is directly connected to our emotions and actions. It is important to achieve optimal wellness to mollify stress and ensure interactions in a positive way.

There are eight dimensions of wellness and each one is interrelated with another. Each dimension plays a vital role in the pursuit of good health. It is essential that the dimensions are well understood to maintained and optimize wellness.

Emotional wellness

Understanding your feelings and coping with stress in an effective way is what emotional wellness is about. Stress reduction, relaxation, development of inner resources and self-care is what needs to be given attention so that you learn and grow from your experience.   


Financial wellness

Successfully managing financial expenses is what financial wellness deals with. Money no doubt plays a vital role and has a rather indirect impact on our health and academic/professional performance. Financial wellness hence deals with how to successfully manage your finances. Financial stress is a common reason for anxiety, stress and fear.

Environmental wellness

It encourages you to understand and respect the delicate relationship between environment and your own self. Respect for physical environment and other living things around is an essential part of environmental wellness.

Physical wellness

It relates to maintaining a healthy body and seeking appropriate care when required. It is attained through exercise, well balanced diet, sound sleep and by paying attention to symptoms of illness and getting timely help when need be.

Intellectual wellness

Intellectual wellness is all about having an open mind while you come across new ideas during your pursuit for knowledge. It encourages participation in an active way in all scholastic and cultural activities.

Occupational wellness

Occupational wellness is enjoying and appreciating your occupational endeavours. This dimension encourages enrichment and satisfaction in one’s professional life.

Spiritual wellness

Spiritual wellness allows developing a set of values and ethics to help seek purpose and meaning. It can be represented by relaxation or religion. Spiritual wellness means believing in resources to cope with issues that come in everyday life.

Social wellness

This dimension helps perform social role efficiently and successfully. Social wellness dimension encourages relationships with friends, family and partners.


Applying a wellness approach is useful in every step of human life, in all its endeavours. Although there are different views in what wellness actually encompasses, the major models of wellness are well excepted and interpreted. All the dimensions are essential and entangled with each other in order to keep up the health and wellness of an individual.

To Learn More About The White Lotus Wellness Products follow this link

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