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How to add crystal facial services to your clinic or salon
Incorporating crystals into everyday beauty routines are all the rage right now. Scroll through the content of beauty gurus and influencers and you will be sure to see jade facial rollers and rose quartz gua sha tools. Although it seems...
How do Crystal Serums Work?
The benefcial properties of crystals have been known and valued since ancient history. Many cultures, such as the Chinese and Egyptian, have used crystals to naturally improve the appearance of the skin as well as for other non cosmetic purposes. The...
White Lotus Crystal Facial - How To Guide
Knowing how to properly perform the white lotus crystal facial can dramatically improve your results. Watch our video here or follow these simple instructions below. Step 1- Using the Activated Jade and the Tourmaline Crystal Serum 1. Be sure to...
Jadeite or Nephrite
The two crystals can be very difficult to distinguish just by looking at them, as they are very similar. This caused even more confusion when the jade roller and jade Gua Sha started to be more popular and accessible.  The...
Only Roll Upwards with the Jade Roller
When using a jade roller, sometimes people think that you can use the jade roller in any direction and it will be effective. However, you should be aware of why it is important to roll upwards and outwards as you...
Ethical Jade Roller
An ethical jade roller is a roller in which the jade is ethically mined without the use of forced labour and with minimal environmental impact. Real crystal should be used and the crystal should never be chemically treated. Crystals last...
Never Use Gua Sha On Your Neck
Very recently, there has become an abundance of videos on YouTube and other sites that demonstrate how to use jade Gua Sha. This is as a result of the surging popularity of this and other ancient Chinese techniques to improve...
What is False Jade or Fake Jade?
Jade is a term used for exquisite and expensive stones which are usually used for decorative purposes like ornaments, sculptures, and jewellery. They come in multiple colours like green (mostly), white, and orange. Since they are quite expensive, the market...
The Lifetime Guarantee On White Lotus Crystal Beauty Tools
When you hear “lifetime guarantee” in reference to different products, you instantly get peace of mind that you are purchasing something that will last. And if it doesn’t, then you know that you can get a new one thanks to...
White Lotus Jade Crystal Ethical Policy
White Lotus Jade Crystal is produced to the highest possible ethical standards. This includes everything from the mining of the Jade, the way it gets shaped into the products, and how the proceeds are used. To help you understand this,...
Celebrity Beauty Trends with Ancient Chinese Origins
Traditional Chinese medicine has been around since the ancient times, over 2,500 years ago. Instead of fading away as history goes on, some of these traditional cosmetic techniques are becoming increasingly popular in recent years. The rising popularity of such...
Hair and Body Combing Rituals
Body combing is a tradition that has existed since ancient times, centuries ago. It is believed to have originated from Ancient Chinese practices and was practiced on a daily basis as a type of Gua Sha skin combing. Ancient Chinese...
The Properties of Different Crystal Types on the Skin
White Lotus has ensured that their products are made from the highest-quality crystal that have never been chemically treated. This means that they will be with you for a long time. In fact, for normal use they offer a lifetime...
Which Type of Crystal Roller or Gua Sha Is Best For My Skin?
One of the biggest benefits of using crystal Gua Sha and crystal rollers is that they are believed to possess qualities that can help improve your skin and energy flow. However, because different crystals have different spiritual properties it’s important...
Should You Use Chemically Treated Crystal Rollers?
When selecting a crystal product, there are a lot of factors to consider. For example, you might want to think about the healing properties it possesses and whether they will benefit you. However, you might also want to think about...
How to Clean My Gua Sha Tool
How to Clean Gua Sha Tools Gua Sha is a traditional health and beauty tool from ancient China. It is used to gently scrape the skin to increase micro-circulation and improve lymphatic drainage. Obviously, since the jade Gua Sha is...
White Lotus Jade Gua Sha
The internet is littered with anti-aging products and methods.  Some are extremely expensive and some products are laden with chemicals that do more harm than good.  These days, many people are searching for products that are non-harmful and natural. The...